Florida Tech Offers Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Young children who refuse to obey, throw temper tantrums and who require a lot of time disciplining can put harried parents at their wits’ end. Florida
Institute of Technology offers a successful therapy to ease the strain on parents of difficult children.

Building Blocks, parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), is sponsored by Florida Tech’s School of
and Community Psychological Services (CPS), on campus. Led by Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology Dr. Felipa Chavez, the service is
for children aged 3-7 years old and their parents, uses state-of-the-art technology and is scientifically proven.

Therapy occurs in “real time” and in real-play situations. The therapeutic team consists of Chavez along with clinical psychology doctoral candidates, who
are in training under the supervision of Dr. Barbara Paulillo, a Florida Licensed clinical psychologist and director of CPS.

Building Blocks has already helped dozens of families. The program accepts referrals from schools, physicians, parents, teachers and daycare providers.
Charges are based on a sliding fee, determined by using a family’s individual circumstances, such as family size and income.

For more information, call (321) 727-9956, or contact Dr. Chavez at chavezf@fit.edu.

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