Good Capital Campaign News for Florida Tech College of Aeronautics

MELBOURNE, FLA.—Marjorie Hayes of the Washington, D.C., area was seeking a worthy cause to support when she met with an old friend, Florida Tech alumnus Paris Michaels. A captain for a commercial airline, graduate of the College of Aeronautics and current doctoral student in that college, Michaels had a good idea what to suggest.

Hayes agreed. Last spring she made a $250,000 donation to the college. With $50,000 of her gift the university will establish a new scholarship endowment, to be called the Marjorie Hayes Scholarship. The endowment will provide funds each year for eligible flight students in the College of Aeronautics. The university will work with the college to select students based on merit and financial need.

The remaining $200,000 will name a flight simulator laboratory facility within F.I.T. Aviation, Florida Tech’s training facility at Melbourne International Airport. The Marjorie Hayes Simulator Lab will be put to use by Florida Tech’s faculty and students.

Michaels, who also has a master’s degree in national security from the Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C., met Hayes at the institute, where she has also funded scholarships.

“Mrs. Hayes doesn’t just donate to any worthy cause, she invests in America,” said Michaels. “She views her donation to the College of Aeronautics as an investment in youth and in our students, who will master the future of U.S. global aviation. She credits aviation with contributing immensely to this nation’s progress and believes that an American flag should fly in every classroom.”

The Hayes donation goes toward the university’s Golden Anniversary Campaign for Florida Tech.

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