What Can You Do With a Leadership and Social Responsibility Degree?

What can you do with a leadership and social responsibility degree? Join Pete as he discusses possible career opportunities for students majoring in leadership and social responsibility in this new installment of, “What can I do with THAT degree?”

Leadership and Social Responsibility Degree
Photo Credit: gijob.com

You may be a natural born leader, and that’s why the leadership and social responsibility degree is tailored just for you. It’s designed for students developing leadership skills, and it promotes socially responsible behavior and high ethical standards within organizations. Being a leader is so much more than just being a manager. Leaders have a vision. Leaders can move people to do great things. And that’s why majoring in leadership and social responsibility can help you make an impact on the world that goes far beyond just earning a paycheck.

But what can you do with a degree in leadership and social responsibility? I’ll tell you a bit about this growing field and let you decide.

The first thing you could do is continue your education and get a master’s degree in a field that applies to what you want to do in life. An example is an M.S. in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This will help you grow your skills and knowledge in the industry you choose, and help you understand business and social responsibility better.

Photo Credit: Conscious-Hospitality.com

You could be a corporate social responsibility manager. This person helps organizations change their business operations that are perhaps damaging to society. Corporate social responsibility managers also help the company find solutions to make a positive impact; they may help evaluate policies related to the environment, health and safety. This person would have to be a strong communicator and have extensive knowledge in the field he or she is working in to work with the current trends.

Companies will often develop social responsibility initiatives and then bring a corporate social responsibility manager in to help facilitate these actions.

For example, Coca-Cola’s commercials represent more than just a having a Coke, but contributing to something bigger, and a social responsibility manager helped bring those visions into fruition.

Leadership and Social Responsibility Degree
Photo Credit: bookboon.com

Another option is to become a development specialist. A development specialist usually works in the marketing department of a company or organization. They market and try to attract new business through research, promotions, campaigns and product development. This person also has to have great communication skills, because the development of a business relies on the relationship between customers and employees, as well.

Feel like doing your own thing? You could be an entrepreneur and start your own business. Starting your own business lets you choose the direction you want to take, and you can be your own boss. If you have some fresh, unique ideas and an understanding of business, this is always an option for people. You could take your knowledge you’ve gained with your degree and design a product to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Well, that’s just a bit of what you can do with your degree in leadership and social responsibility. There are tons of possible ideas to go on, and the field is rapidly increasing and will continue to grow. That means your future looks good!

Happy job hunting!



Pete the Panther

Chief Motivating Officer


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