X-Culture: The Power of Teamwork

Guest Blogger: Mo Zhou, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business student

I enjoy working with my teammates; they are so friendly and nice. I can get help from others on the team and give help without being concerned about prerogatives. We connect with each other and discuss problem by Facebook and Skype. I don’t have to be guarded and caution about my communication. Because of mutual trust and support, I can say what I feel and how I am reacting. We respect individual differences. We do not push each other to conform to central ideas or ways of thinking. We work hard at keeping our “team climates” free.


This week we almost finish the team report. Team members have their own responsibility for the report. I search a lot of information before I do the marketing part. X- Culture project give us an opportunity to experience that sort of team investigation through the report-writing segment of our international business course. We began trying out ways of making such and teamwork smoothly and fairly for all concerned. Our team has diversity of backgrounds, providing an opportunity to utilize the particular strengths of each individual to permit the team to achieve what cannot be achieved by a single individual working along.


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