Staying Balanced in School.

via The Florida Tech Crimson
by Sara Hirsch

As a student working around the clock, it’s easy to put your sleep, eating habits, and exercise routine on the back burner when school gets crazy. However, lacking in these areas can be damaging to your health, and negatively affect your performance in the classroom. Keep these tips in mind to better your body and get back on the right track!

Eating right can give you more energy and stamina to get through those hard days!
Stay hydrated. Don’t skip breakfast and make time for balanced meals.

Working out on a consistent basis will not only keep you healthy but help you feel great.
If you find it hard to make time for the gym after classes, go for a walk on the beach with friends, or rent a kayak to burn the calories and catch up simultaneously

Sleep your way to a health
Sleeping 6-8 hours a night restores us emotionally, physically, as well as mentally.

If you feel you need support, reach out to Florida Tech’s Counseling and Psychologicial Services (CAPS).  CAPS offers free counseling for all enrolled, Melbourne campus students. To learn more visit CAPS on the web at t

You’re not in this journey alone and CAPS is just one of the resources at Florida Tech that is here to assist you in succeeding in college!

To read more tips, click here

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