X-Culture: Better Than Expected

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Our team number 4 has overcome a lot of obstacles during this entire project. We had to set up our time differences apart and our different level of English skills. I thought there will be much more things to discuss with Mr. Muth and tell him that some people are not doing their parts, but everything was ok at the end. Of course there has been some level of tension between us sometimes because we are in different time zones and even though school should be our priority, we have other things to live for as well. All of this happened before we got our originality report back. There have been 3 people out of 6 that have plagiarized the whole section they were supposed to research and write about it. We are dealing with this issue now and everybody agreed that we need to change plagiarized parts to get a better grade. Those 3 people that haven’t done their work properly before have to redo it, and when we explained that to them we thought they will be against it but they accepted that they have to revise the work and were sorry for the trouble we need to go over again. I mentioned this because I wanted everybody to know that everything can be done if people are willing to participate and take action. All my teammates are great students and all of their hard work was greatly needed for this project to be successful. I am really glad that I met people from all over the world and even though we have not talked in person we all became friends and I hope we will maintain this friendship as long as we can.

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