Florida Tech Psychology Program Rates Third, Nationally

– A research study, to be published in the July issue of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP), rates Florida Institute of Technology’s doctoral
program in industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology third in the United States. The program, under Chair, Dr. Richard Griffith, is offered through the
School of Psychology. Dr. Mary Beth Kenkel is school dean.

The study also ranked the university’s master’s program in I/O as 10th in the country. “We’re especially proud of these rankings because ours are very
young programs,” said Griffith. “The I/O faculty, staff and students have worked very hard to continuously and they have my highest praise.”

Industrial-organizational psychology is concerned with applying professional skills and focusing scientific research on problems people encounter in the
workplace. Florida Tech’s I/O programs emphasize the development of research skills, knowledge of I/O theory and techniques, and applied experiences.

The journal, TIP, is published by the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

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