Florida Tech Receives $50,000 Skelly Foundation Gift

– The Gertrude E. Skelly Foundation of Boynton Beach, Fla., has made a gift of $50,000 to Florida Tech’s Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
(DMES) for the Skelly Endowment. The F.W. Olin Foundation of New York City will match the contribution on April 30.

“With the foundation’s prior gifts and F.W. Olin Foundation matches, the endowment has now grown to $600,000. This will allow us to offer $30,000 in annual
Skelly fellowships in perpetuity,” said Dr. George Maul, DMES head.

In academic year 2002-2003, the endowment supported four graduate students who studied for their degrees in oceanography, ocean engineering and
environmental science.

The late Gertrude E. Skelly established the foundation in 1991 to provide medical care and educational opportunities for those who cannot otherwise afford

The Department of Marine and Environmental Systems integrates the expertise and skills of scientists, engineers, and resource managers. The faculty
includes individuals devoted to research involving the study of ocean waves and currents; coastal processes and structures; estuarine hydrology; planktonic
and benthonic organisms; meteorology and climatology; hydroacoustics; coastal and resource management; marine vehicles; biofouling; trace-metal and
pollution identification and distribution; computer modeling; remote sensing; and instrumentation.

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